Thursday, June 3, 2010

Flower Amaryllis

Flower  Amaryllis

Amaryllis, also known as the Belladonna Lily, is a bulbous plant that flowers from late December to late June. The blooms sprout from a leafless stem, up to 12 blooms per stem. Amaryllis has many color varieties, including red, white, pink and orange, in addition to varieties that are white with colored veins.
Each bloom itself is six to ten centimeters in diameter, while the plant grows up to 60 centimeters tall. The foliage consists of several long and thin leaves, two to three centimeters broad and 30 to 50 centimeters long.
Amaryllis bulbs should be planted between October and April. The ideal planting temperature is 68 to 70 degrees F. The bulbs themselves don't need much water, but after leaves and a bud appear, it's important to increase the water.
After seven to ten weeks, the bulbs will flower. Once a blossom begins to fade, it's important to remove it, prolonging the flowering season and keeping the plant healthy. If the climate is warm enough for the Amaryllis to grow outside (60 to 75 degrees F at the least), these tall flowers should be planted in a sunny spot where they don't overshadow smaller plants. Inside, plant in a sunny window with a sandy-loam soil mix. In a pinch, Amaryllis will grow in any good, well-drained soil.
In a bouquet, it's important to remember the height of the blooms. These flowers are very versatile because there are so many variations. Paired with daintier bundles of blooms will make for a stunning piece.

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